Lower Body Exercises


You stand with your feet shoulder-width apart (or slightly wider)and toes pointing forward.
Lower your butt down (flat footed) as you maintain an upright posture.
Simultaneously lift your heels from the ground as your butt becomes parallel with the floor.
Drive off of your toes to rise back to an upright position.

Remember to maintain an upright posture throughout this movement. Upright but not straight as a board of wood. 

A slight bend at the waist and rounding of the back is acceptable.  

Avoid bending over as you proceed throughout the exercise. Your movement should be relaxed and smooth.

Lower your hands behind your legs and inhale when you go down. When you go up exhale and raise your arms. To make it more challenging you can leave the arms aside when go up.

Kung Fu Squat

Make a step forward ( max. 90 cm). Simultaneously punch your fist of the opposite side in front of you. 

Right foot forward goes with left hand punch.

Left foot forward goes with right hand punch.

Your lower half will be in a lunge position. Get as deep as you can. Step back and change sides. 

Crazy Lunge

Get in a normal lunge position with one leg forward (knee bent 90 degrees) and the other leg behind you. 

Your back knee should not be touching the ground and your front leg should be parallel to the ground. 

Using your gluts and thigh muscles, jump up and land with your legs and feet in the exact opposite position as the first position. 

Breath out when jump, breath in while land.