Before you Start (Some Hints)

Different Levels same method 

In my training programs I follow always the same approach. 

There are HIIT days, rest days and practice days.


You do exercises which shift between rope skipping and body weight exercise. 

Both types are executed in High-intensity interval training (HIIT) way.

It is an combination with short period to anaerobic exercise (e.g. 30 sec.), followed by short recovery period. (e.g.10 sec.) Anaerobic means your breathing and heart rate increase for a sustainably. 

These intense workouts can last up to 45 minutes. The time varies depending on your current fitness level.

Rest days:

Live is more than just doing sports. You have to take care about others, friends, family and for sure also give your body some time to have a rest to recover.

Practice days:

These days have to purposes. Firstly to get used to practice some new and also known exercises. You do the exercises in an aerobic stile. Means not as fast as you can but in a steady speed which allows to breath deep. You should be able to talk while you do them.

Before you start with any program:

  • Please consult your physician to make sure you are healthy to start any program.

  • Get familiar with the exercises mentioned in the program. You should already know how to do the exercises in a slow and gentle way. Only if you do the things right you avoid injuries when you do it in a fast way. 

  • Do not overestimate your capabilities. Better start with a lower program for some weeks. Consistency will have more effects than executing once and fail to continue.

  • Get a Timer. HIIT is based on intervals of Exercise- Break- Exercise. You need somehow to measure time. You either use a stopwatch or an APP on your mobile phone. The APP I can recommend, because you can put your mobile somewhere and let the timer run. It is easy to read. A watch is difficult. You will not have the time to always look on your watch.
